Monday, June 11, 2018

Marine Veteran Trains White Supremacists in Military Tactics

Patriot Front formed after Charlottesville, and leaked messages reveal members are getting trained like they’re in boot camp.

By James Laporta 

A leader of an emerging white-supremacist group is a Marine veteran who uses his military experience to train other extremist recruits in military tactics, leaked messages show.

Erik Sailors is the head of a Texas chapter of Patriot Front, a white-supremacist group that splintered from one of the main groups at the deadly white-power rally in Charlottesville, Virginia, last year. Sailors gives “hip-pocket classes” (short, informal military class) to white nationalists, from the “gear list” of what members should bring to protests (Marine Corps-issued combat boots and decontaminate wipes) to lessons in mixed martial arts and hand-to-hand combat techniques, the leaked messages reveal.

The inner workings of Patriot Front and Sailors’ role were revealed after thousands of chat messages from Discord servers, a popular internet chat platform used by both white supremacists and neo-Nazis, were leaked to Unicorn Riot, a nonprofit media organization.

Sailors was identified by The Daily Beast after examining photographs from a September 2017 Patriot Front protest outside a Houston community center that was hosting an Anarchist Book Fair. 

Click here for the full article. 

Source: The Daily Beast 

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