Thursday, July 19, 2018

Maxine Waters Urges Supporters Not to Counter-Protest Far-Right Militia Group Targeting Her

Maxine Waters has warned her supporters against staging counter-protests to the militia group that’s planning demonstrations outside of her California offices.

The Democratic congresswoman released a statement on Tuesday night after becoming the target of the Oath Keepers, a militia organisation associated with anti-government movements. She said the group’s main goal was to "inflame racial tensions and create explosive conflict in our community," adding that residents throughout district should not get “baited” into confrontations with the group. 

"I am requesting those individuals and groups planning a counter-protest to not be baited into confronting the Oath Keepers with any demonstrations in opposition — such an occurrence would only exacerbate tensions and increase the potential for conflict," Ms Waters said. "In order to ensure the peace and security of our community, it is best and preferable if no other demonstrations are scheduled on the same date and time as the Oath Keepers’ planned protest."

Click here for the full article. 

Source: The Independent

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