Monday, June 26, 2017

Cuomo to New York Delegation: 'Do Everything Within Your Means to Protect This State'

Governor Andrew Cuomo today sent an open letter to members of the New York State Congressional delegation calling on them to stop the destructive Senate Republican Health Care bill. 

In his letter, the Governor said the bill will have a "catastrophic impact" on New York and urged the delegation to take whatever action within their means to prevent the bill from passing.

The Senate Republican health care bill will leave millions more New Yorkers without health care and cut billions of dollars from New York’s Medicaid program. 

In addition, the bill includes a proposal by two members of New York's own congressional delegation, Representatives John Faso and Chris Collins, that would eliminate $2.3 billion dollars and force all New Yorkers to pay a "Faso-Collins Federal Tax."

Full text of the Governor's letter sent today can be found here.  

Source: Press Office, Governor Andrew M. Cuomo

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