Thursday, January 19, 2017

Saving Our Youth: Anti-Gang Office - City of Houston

From the Mayor's Anti-Gang Office

A Division of the Department of Neighborhoods

There’s no question that Houston’s youth are our most valuable resource. They will become the future leaders of our city so it’s important to insure that they have access to the best possible resources to achieve success. Some youth however, make choices or experience challenges that threaten their safety and well-being. Since 1994 the Mayor’s Anti-Gang Office has worked to provide comprehensive responses to gang involvement and juvenile delinquency through program development, direct services, collaboration, education, and policy development.

You can help too. Consider becoming a mentor, join a PTO or volunteer at your local school, start an after-school program or volunteer with a youth service organization. You can also simply spend quality time with your own kids. The opportunities to make a positive difference are as limitless as the benefits that are gained. 

The staff of the Mayor’s Anti-Gang Office encourages you to help young people succeed. 

Click here for more information on the program. 


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