Thursday, May 28, 2020

Leaders of Tomorrow: Shea'la Liverman

The mainstream media has a long and unfortunate history of showcasing young people of color in a very negative light. News directors, producers and managing editors -- in broadcast and print news -- have forsaken the powerful human interest stories within Black and Latino communities for various reasons and continue to do so.

Av Westin, former executive producer for the "ABC Evening News", in addition to being former vice president and director of television documentaries and vice president for program development, summed it up best in his critically-acclaimed book Best Practices for Television Journalists. "It's safe to say that in almost all newsrooms, blatant bigotry and intolerance do not exist. What does exist, however, are preconceived notions about race and ethnicity that can shape story selection and content," said Westin. "The conventional wisdom among many assignment editors is that white viewers will tune out if Blacks or Latinos are featured in segments. That view can influence the choice of the person who will provide the 'expert' sound bite," noted Westin. There is no question that a lack of racial sensitivity affects news judgment. It is a problem that goes to the heart of fair and balanced presentation of the news on television," concluded the four-time Peabody Award recipient.

In effort to counter this alarming and disturbing trend, From The G-Man launched a feature segment called "Leaders of Tomorrow" back in 2011. While the feature showcases young people from across the country that are making a tremendous difference in their communities and abroad, emphasis is placed on those of color in order to combat the negative stereotypes presented in broadcast, print and social media. That said, here is the site's latest selection.

Ms. Shea’la Liverman

Shea'la Liverman recently graduated from Hunter College, earning a Bachelor's of Education and Bachelor of Arts.

She is the recipient of Hunter's "Excellence in Teaching" award and has won the John Gassner award in "Theatre Criticism". She also received an honorary invitation to join Phi Betta Kappa as a result of her academic achievements.

Additionally, she managed to achieve these milestones while working full-time as a TSA agent at LaGuardia Airport and as a teacher/counselor for families of Autistic children.

Liverman displays the graduation cap she designed.
(Click on the photo to increase its size.)

From The G-Man congratulates and salutes Ms. Liverman on her remarkable achievements and proudly recognizes her as one of America's.... leaders of tomorrow.

Editor's Note: If there's someone that you think From The G-Man should showcase in this series, and they're between the ages of 18 and 25, feel free to email the office at

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Go SISTER that's my SISTERRRR!! So proud of my baby sis!! This article is beautiful but doesn't even begin to touch on all she's been through to earn these 2 degrees while working 2 jobs and sooo much more during this pandemic! True Melanin Queen!!