Friday, May 29, 2020

A Hard Question for Donald J. Trump. Answer It, Damn It!

In 2017, Trump visited Long Island, New York, and addressed members of law enforcement. During his speech, he told police officers the following regarding the handling of alleged perpetrators once taken into custody: "Please don't be too nice!" His comments were met with laughter and applause. Police officials from across the country criticized Trump's comment. When reporters posed questions about the comment to Sarah Huckabee Sanders, who was serving as the White House press secretary, she said she believed Trump "was making a joke."  

In the wake of George Floyd's killing, From The G-Man has a question for Trump, and the independent news and information site hopes he has the "testicular fortitude" to provide an answer. When you watched the video of what former Minneapolis police office Derek Chauvin did to George Floyd, was that rough enough for you?

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