Tuesday, October 8, 2019

The 2020 Census: New York State Complete Count Commission Releases Formal Report

The New York State Complete Count Commission (Commission) today released its formal report and recommendations to policymakers to ensure a full count of all New Yorkers in the 2020 Census.

The comprehensive report identifies specific challenges to obtaining a full count, the significant steps taken by the state thus far to identify hard-to-count populations and 18 detailed recommendations for actions that local governments, state agencies, the federal government, non-profit partners, community groups, organized labor, business groups and more should immediately implement to ensure all New Yorkers are counted.

“The members of the NYS Complete Count Commission and its staff have worked hard to prepare a blueprint to achieve a complete and accurate count in New York State,” the report states. “Our community organizations, places of worship, educators, physicians, brothers and sisters in organized labor, the business community, local government officials, students, and ultimately all citizens are key to our success. ... Census Day—April 1, 2020—is fast approaching so it’s all-hands-on-deck to ensure a complete 2020 census count.”

The Commission found that the 2020 Census brings unprecedented challenges, including but not limited to: the census will be conducted primarily online for the first time; the Trump administration has attempted to weaponize the census with a citizenship question; and the federal government has not provided adequate resources to effectuate a full count.

To guide state policymakers, local governments, complete count committees, non-profits and other interested parties on where resources and funding should be allocated to ensure an accurate count, the Commission released a comprehensive regional analysis aimed at identifying specific hard-to-count populations/communities, specifying down to individual census tract. As part of its analysis, the Commission released a detailed online data tool to help communities focus their census counting efforts. A region-by-region summary of findings appears at the end of this press release.

Click here for the full report. 

Source: New York State Complete Count Commission

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