I spoke on the floor of the New York Assembly about how all of us should support DREAMers. As a son of Jamaican Immigrants and an Assembly member from the most diverse county in America- from Dominicans to Haitians, from Jamaicans, Caribbeans and the largest number of West Africans in the country- I believe it is critical that we come together to help our fellow Sisters and Brothers.
We cannot let empty, racist rhetoric divide us in the face of providing opportunity for more people to access higher education. Giving children of immigrants college financial aid is essential to helping them realize their full academic potential and, in turn, most effectively contribute to our state’s robust economy.
We commend Assembly Member Carmen de la Rosa, Speaker Heastie, Assembly Member Marcos Crespo and our colleagues for stepping up for an eighth year in a row on this effort, and impacting countless lives in the process. We are not spending our time tweeting, but leading, and serving as a national example of how our nation should treat the DREAMERs.
For members of the Spanish-speaking community:
Hablé en el piso de la Asamblea de Nueva York, de que come debemos de apoyar a los DREAMers. Como hijo de inmigrantes jamaiquinos y miembro de la Asamblea del condado más diverso de América, desde dominicanos hasta haitianos, jamaiquinos, caribeños y el mayor número de africanos del oeste del continente, creo, que es fundamental que nos unamos para ayudar a nuestros Compañeros, Hermanas y Hermanos.
No podemos dejar que la retórica vacía y racista nos divida frente a la oportunidad de que más personas accedan a la educación superior. Dar ayuda financiera para la universidad de los hijos de inmigrantes, es esencial para ayudarlos a alcanzar su pleno potencial académico y a su vez, contribuir de manera más efectiva a la sólida economía de nuestro estado.
Felicitamos a la asambleísta Carmen de la Rosa, al portavoz Heastie, al asambleísta Marcos Crespo y a nuestros colegas por avanzar por octavo año consecutivo en este esfuerzo e impactar a innumerables vidas en el proceso. No estamos gastándo el tiempo twitteando, sino liderando, y sirviendo como un ejemplo nacional de cómo nuestra nación debería tratar a los DREAMER.
Source: The Office of Assembly Member Michael Blake (District 79)
“Once again, the Student Assembly lauds the passage of the DREAM Act through the New York State Assembly. Speaker Heastie and the Assembly have continued to demonstrate that they stand with SUNY’s students and support expanding access to higher education for undocumented New Yorkers.
“If enacted, the DREAM Act (A9605-A/De La Rosa) will allow undocumented New York students the promise of an affordable education in the Empire State and greater legal protections as they pursue a future in the only country most of them have ever known as home.
“We strongly urge the State Senate to take up and approve this legislation so that all SUNY students can feel safe and secure on their campuses, knowing that they have equal access to all benefits provided to New Yorkers. The Student Assembly stands with our students, and the Senate should too.”
Source: SUNY SA
We cannot let empty, racist rhetoric divide us in the face of providing opportunity for more people to access higher education. Giving children of immigrants college financial aid is essential to helping them realize their full academic potential and, in turn, most effectively contribute to our state’s robust economy.
We commend Assembly Member Carmen de la Rosa, Speaker Heastie, Assembly Member Marcos Crespo and our colleagues for stepping up for an eighth year in a row on this effort, and impacting countless lives in the process. We are not spending our time tweeting, but leading, and serving as a national example of how our nation should treat the DREAMERs.
For members of the Spanish-speaking community:
Hablé en el piso de la Asamblea de Nueva York, de que come debemos de apoyar a los DREAMers. Como hijo de inmigrantes jamaiquinos y miembro de la Asamblea del condado más diverso de América, desde dominicanos hasta haitianos, jamaiquinos, caribeños y el mayor número de africanos del oeste del continente, creo, que es fundamental que nos unamos para ayudar a nuestros Compañeros, Hermanas y Hermanos.
No podemos dejar que la retórica vacía y racista nos divida frente a la oportunidad de que más personas accedan a la educación superior. Dar ayuda financiera para la universidad de los hijos de inmigrantes, es esencial para ayudarlos a alcanzar su pleno potencial académico y a su vez, contribuir de manera más efectiva a la sólida economía de nuestro estado.
Felicitamos a la asambleísta Carmen de la Rosa, al portavoz Heastie, al asambleísta Marcos Crespo y a nuestros colegas por avanzar por octavo año consecutivo en este esfuerzo e impactar a innumerables vidas en el proceso. No estamos gastándo el tiempo twitteando, sino liderando, y sirviendo como un ejemplo nacional de cómo nuestra nación debería tratar a los DREAMER.
Source: The Office of Assembly Member Michael Blake (District 79)
Statement from SUNY SA President Marc J. Cohen
“Once again, the Student Assembly lauds the passage of the DREAM Act through the New York State Assembly. Speaker Heastie and the Assembly have continued to demonstrate that they stand with SUNY’s students and support expanding access to higher education for undocumented New Yorkers.
“If enacted, the DREAM Act (A9605-A/De La Rosa) will allow undocumented New York students the promise of an affordable education in the Empire State and greater legal protections as they pursue a future in the only country most of them have ever known as home.
“We strongly urge the State Senate to take up and approve this legislation so that all SUNY students can feel safe and secure on their campuses, knowing that they have equal access to all benefits provided to New Yorkers. The Student Assembly stands with our students, and the Senate should too.”
Source: SUNY SA
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