Tuesday, November 14, 2017

Bill Comes Due on de Blasio's Election Promises

By Errol Louis

As cheers fade from Mayor de Blasio’s victory party, all of us — especially supporters of the administration — should remember that elections, while important, are not the sole or even the primary way we hold public servants accountable.

De Blasio promised many policies and programs before and during the reelection campaign. Now it’s up to us to hold him to those pledges — especially the ones made halfheartedly or under political duress.

Here are three important pieces of public business about which the mayor has shown a decided reluctance. New Yorkers have about 1,500 days to make sure City Hall gets the job done.

Let’s start with the city’s public hospitals, which serve the poorest and sickest New Yorkers and are facing a $1.6 billion deficit that is projected to grow to a staggering $1.8 billion in 2020, nearly 24% of the operating budget of city Health and Hospitals.

Click here for the full article.

Source: The New York Daily News (via The Empire Report) 

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