Tuesday, October 3, 2017

Jewish Group Slams Mayor de Blasio’s Free School Lunch Plan for Not Offering Kosher Foods

By Ben Chapman

Mayor de Blasio's free school lunch plan isn’t kosher — and that’s left many in the city’s Jewish community bellyaching about a program they want their kids to receive.

De Blasio rolled out the federally funded program on Sept. 6, promising free meals for all city students. But Jewish advocates say 30,000 students in yeshivas aren’t getting the free meals because none of the food is certified kosher.

“The mayor is openly discriminating against students in nonpublic and religious schools,” said Allen Fagin, CEO of the Orthodox Union, a Jewish nonprofit group based in Manhattan.

“He is failing children in classrooms across his city,” Fagin added.

Click here for the full article.

Source: The New York Daily News (via The Empire Report)

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