Friday, August 4, 2017

Dear Mr. President, White America Has Never Faced Discrimination


We need to take our country back.

It’s our America.
They are taking our jobs.
They are getting into our schools. Taking spots that belong to our kids.
They are messing up the neighborhood.
They are destroying our communities.
They need to be put in their place.

These are familiar refrains from this president and the people in our great nation who think like him. They are victims. It’s us versus them.

They define hardworking and blue collar as white people who live in rural areas, and in key electoral states like Pennsylvania, Michigan and Wisconsin.

They define American as white people who “built” this country. They defined “ours” as gun rights, religious freedom and anything else that keeps “them” away. 

In truth, millions of Black and brown people are blue collar, hard working. Pulling double shifts to put food on the table for their kids, to make ends meet. Many of them also legally own guns and are members of the National Rifle Association. Many women of color are the main source of income in their families.  

Click here for the full article. 

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