Monday, June 1, 2020

Statement from David N. Dinkins, 106th Mayor, City of New York

We continue to find ourselves living in desperate times as our nation is ravaged by COVID-19 and reignited racial tensions by the horrific killing of George Floyd.  I am deeply saddened and outraged by the violent death of this young man at the hands of four police officers in Minneapolis.  

The violence that has erupted in our city and across our nation is also a source of heartbreak.  Peaceful protest and vocal dissent against injustice are rights that every American can claim.  However, violence and destruction are counter-productive to our cause.  Simply put:

Black Lives Must Matter To Everyone.

We all must continue to invoke the names of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, Ahmaud Arbery. . . Amadou Diallo, and so, so many others, with a heavy heart and the weighted reverence their lives deserve.  We must continue to demand true justice.

Let us all stand together, with raised voices, on the march toward justice in the non-violent vision Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr held for all of us.   

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