Thursday, June 4, 2020

Governor Cuomo? From The G-Man Has a Question for You

Chris Rock, Governor Andrew Cuomo and Rosie Perez at May 28 briefing.

Dear Governor Cuomo,

You recently held a briefing that featured superstars Rosie Perez and Chris Rock. During the event, the New York natives promoted and talked about the importance of wearing masks or face coverings. Well, given the fact that you went to great lengths to get your message across on this issue, From The G-Man poses the following question. Would you show the same sense of urgency by inviting executives or operators from New York nursing homes to an upcoming press availability?

Specifically, From The G-Man would like you to invite those with a history of egregious violations and those whose facilities have an exceptionally high number of coronavirus deaths. New Yorkers who lost or are on the verge of losing loved ones in nursing homes to the virus deserve answers and, as you frequently state, "just the facts". Undoubtedly, it would mean a great deal to the families.       

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