Monday, April 6, 2020

'Operation Blue Food Drop': Bronx Restaurant Provides Free, Healthy Food for NYPD Officers During COVID-19 Crisis

By Gary Glennell Toms

In effort to feed
members of the 44th Precinct in the Bronx and keep them healthy during the COVID-19 epidemic, Zona de Cuba has launch "Operation Blue Food Drop". 

“Our NYPD officers care for us, protect us and keep us safe. Who is caring for them? Everything is closed, and getting a healthy meal is almost impossible. We hope other restaurants join us and supply free meals to their local precincts. NYPD officers are not immune to COVID-19, and thousands have contracted the virus. We must do whatever it takes to keep them healthy”, said Fernando Mateo, Vice President of Operations at Zona De Cuba, which is located at
558 Anthony J. Griffin Place. 

Mateo is urging restaurant owners and managers to contact the community affairs officer at their local precincts and create a healthy Prefix menu, which could be picked up Monday through Sunday at 12 p.m.  

The Prefix menu
Zona de Cuba is providing to 44th Precinct officers includes the following:

Monday - Penne pasta with ground beef and marinara sauce.

Tuesday - Baked chicken with yellow rice and a green salad.

Wednesday - Grill Basa fillet fish with rice with guandules and a green salad.

Thursday - Chicken and rice with red beans and a green salad.

Friday - Stuffed chicken with brown rice and a green salad.

Saturday - Meatballs and spaghetti with a green salad.

Sunday - Catfish, red beans and a green salad.

"New York City restaurant owners and managers must step up! This program should last as long as city restaurants remain closed by law," Mateo stated.

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