Wednesday, June 26, 2019

'From The G-Man' Ranks the Top Performers of the 1st Democratic Debate

Top Performers

By Gary Glennell Toms

1. Elizabeth Warren - She confidently and effectively answered all questions.

2. John Delaney - He provided direct and logical answers, and he reminds me of Michael Bloomberg.

3. Julian Castro - He came across as extremely knowledgeable about the issues and authentic.

4. Cory Booker - He's informed and "kept it real" when talking about the issues impacting communities of color. However, I suspect many white voters will consider him...."too Black".

The other candidates came across as deflective, lost, inauthentic, pandering or "begging".

The "Biggest Disappointment" Candidate - Beto O'Rourke - He looked completed flustered and lost after the testy exchange with Castro. He also appeared to have difficulty focusing.

The Upside - Great questions posed by the moderators, a spirited and controlled debate

The Downside - Way too much focus was placed on Warren during the questioning. It would've been nice to have heard from the candidates who didn't get as much time.

Conclusion: Warren looked strong, but Castro and Delaney are going to pose significant challenges going forward, especially if they're given more time to respond to questions. 

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