Thursday, December 28, 2017

Bitcoin is Becoming the Currency of Choice for Racists

After being bounced from traditional online fundraising and payment platforms, the “alt-right” and other racists are turning to bitcoin to help fund their activities. 

Bitcoins can be used to purchase all manner of goods as well as to make donations to “alt-right” figures such as Andrew Anglin. Bitcoin purchases, however, can be traced. 

The Southern Poverty Law Center will release a list of 200 accounts tied to white nationalists and racists in the coming week.

Click here for the full article. 

Source: The Southern Poverty Law Center 

1 comment:

Bonnie Cosentino said...

I had no idea! This backstory is an interesting one, and it's amazing how greed is always in the mix with the subjugation of others! I started hearing the word "Bitcoin" a while ago, and it seemed to be a "get rich quick" scheme that would predictably bubble, leaving its believers with "bits of coins" of whatever dollars they originally invested. Now it seems that there's a whole lot more we're not being told. Good job as always in throwing some serious light down on things!