Monday, October 2, 2017

All of New York’s Members in Congress Urge Tillerson to Deport Nazi Living in Queens

By Reuven Blau

In a rare display of bipartisan unity, New York’s entire congressional delegation is pressing Secretary of State Rex Tillerson to banish a former Nazi guard who is living in Queens.
Jakiw Palij, 94, who worked as a Nazi guard, should be deported from the U.S., urges a letter signed by New York’s 29-member delegation — 18 Democrats and 9 Republicans in the House and two Democrats in the Senate.

“Removing Mr. Palij from American soil will send a message not only to the citizens of New York, but to the entire world,” the letter to Tillerson says.

Click here for the full article.

Source: The New York Daily News (via The Empire Report) 

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