Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Opinion: We Let Cubans In, Despite Fears of Communist Threat

With the debate over the potential terrorist threat posed by Syrian refugees coming into the United States, it is worth investigating how the United States has handled refugee situations before. With the horrific slaughter of innocent civilians in Paris last week, the civil war in Syria has scarred the cultural heartland of western civilization, and Republicans across the country have been quick to declare that the United States could ill-afford the risk of bringing in any more Syrian refugees.

Republican presidential hopeful and Texas senator Ted Cruz has stated his opposition to allowing Syrian refugees in the U.S., saying it's too much of a terrorist risk. Ted Cruz went so far as to suggest a religious test for Syrian refugees, stating that "There is no meaningful risk of Christians committing acts of terror" whereas Muslims fleeing Syria should go to other Muslim countries instead of the U.S. 

Click here for the full article.

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