Thursday, December 22, 2011

Mainstream Media, Do Your Damn Job!

Ron Paul Attacked on Race, While "Nu-Nu", "Lyle", "Big Tex" and "Lady Blah-Blah" Get a Free Pass

Recent news reports indicated that GOP/Libertarian  presidential candidate Ron Paul walked out of a CNN interview after reporter Gloria Borger questioned him about racist articles that were published in Paul's newsletters over 20 years ago. Paul has repeatedly claimed that he has no idea who submitted the articles or that he had prior knowledge of the inflammatory content. 

Prior to Paul storming out of the interview, he told Borger that the reason the newsletter is still a point of controversy is "because of people like you". The Texas representative may have a point. However, the fact remains that he bolted from the interview segment faster that a New York lobbyist headed to Washington, D.C. That did not and will not serve him well going forward, especially with Black voters who may want to support him but have serious concerns about the newsletter content. 

Ron Paul supporters, as you would suspect, are furious that their political savior is being attacked on this issue. Moreover, because Paul has surged in the Iowa polls, his supporters view the attacks as a blatant attempt to discredit the Texas legislator and his candidacy. Many of them also believe that the loyal Libertarian is under attack because GOP leaders would rather see Newt Gingrich, Rick Perry, or Mitt Romney as the potential nominee. Ron Paul supporters may also have a point. 

Borger and other media representatives have a responsibility, to the institution that is journalism and concerned voters, to pose important questions and ride any presidential candidate like a Harley Davidson until they get an answer. I don't have a problem with that. What I do have a major problem with is when the mainstream media treats other candidates differently when they, too, have been caught up in controversies regarding race. 

It is a well-known fact that Newt "Nu-Nu" Gingrich made many controversial remarks about Blacks and others during his political career and was never really pressed on the issue. Nu-Nu is still doing it and still getting away with it, thanks to the punks, sellouts and corporate whores in media.

Romney, aka Lyle Wagner from the "Carol Burnett Show", staunchly defended Mormonism when the late, great Tim Russert called him out over the fact that Blacks were not allowed to become priests until 1978. Still, there was no mention of this during any of the GOP debates and every news organization, especially NBC, should be ashamed of themselves.

The link provides more detail on the Book of Mormon's previous views on Blacks within the church.
An argument could be made that the decision to allow Blacks to finally become priest was not based on "a revelation" from God", as indicated by a church official, but the fact that President Jimmy Carter was on the verge of pulling the church's tax exempt status because of its controversial policy. It wouldn't surprise me, in the least, if the latter -- no pun intended -- was the real reason behind the church's decision. Politics is a bitch.

Rick "Big Tex" Perry got stuck in "Niggerhead", and there was no way out of that one. That was a story that screamed to be followed-up on, primarily because numerous elected officials knew about the name of the ranch and still chose to attend events hosted by the Texas governor. 

The story was spun to focus on what Perry knew and when he knew it, but the real story involved finding out how many well-known elected officials -- particularly those who represent predominately Black districts -- blatantly disregarded the ranch's name and showed up for a weekend of fun and frolic with Big Tex. Perry, like Nu-Nu and Romney, were simply allowed to pass "Go" and collect campaign contributions....with the help of mainstream media.

Even Michele Bachmann, aka "Lady Blah-Blah", has made comments that would make journalism icon Edward R. Murrow leap from the grave and exclaim, "What the hell?!!" 

From The G-Man does not and will not endorse candidates, and this was not written to provide a "push" for Paul's campaign. It was written in order to hold the mainstream media accountable and to make sure they hold every political candidate to the same standard. This has not been happening, and it's a major reason why journalists are loathed and the public is becoming fed up with the two-party system. 

Go ahead, mainstream media. Continue to attack Ron Paul on the issue of race and give other candidates a free pass. Go ahead! I dare you! You do so at your own peril and run the risk of looking even more incompetent, inconsistent and incorrigible than you do now.

This commentary is from the heart and.....From The G-Man. 

Image courtesy of

Romney clip uploaded to YouTube by  on Apr 26, 2011

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