Sunday, March 1, 2020

Cash Reward Offered for Arrest and Conviction of Attackers Who Assaulted Uber Driver

Mohamad Al- Gahaffi in Critical Condition After Brutal Beating

The New York State Federation of Taxi Drivers (NYSFTD) and the Yemeni American Merchants Association (YAMA) have announced a cash reward for any information leading to an arrest and conviction on the attack of Yemeni-American Livery Driver Mohamad Al-Gahaffi, who was brutally assaulted when dropping off a party of two women and three men on East 67th Street and 2nd Ave on February 5. Mohamad was in a coma for several weeks and is currently hospitalized in critical condition.

“Getting the individuals responsible for this brutal attack is our priority. Assaults on Drivers are too common and we must put an end to this. Violence is spreading in New York City and the most vulnerable are the victims. We’re looking forward to the NYPD’s transparency on this case and hope they will share more information with community and industry organizations. The attack happened nearly four weeks ago and was only recently announced, which was disappointing. Working together to solve crimes and getting criminals off the streets makes sense and should be a priority for all”, said Fernando Mateo, spokesman for the NYSFTD.

“No one should ever fear for their life while working for their livelihood. We are saddened by the attack on Mohamad and will do everything we can to ensure justice is served and the perpetrators are apprehended. We are grateful for all groups who are lifting this case up and urge the DA’s office to expedite the case. In the meantime, we are standing with Mohamad and his family, providing whatever support they need during this incredibly tough time,” said Abraham Aiyash, executive director at YAMA. 

Anyone with information on the perpetrators is urged to contact Mr. Mateo at (917) 295-2218 or Mr. Mubarez at (917) 523-8395. 

Source: Fernando Mateo

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