Monday, February 10, 2020

'Future Hope' Column: Bernie, Bloomberg, and the Other Billionaire

By Ted Glick 

There’s one reason why it’s a good thing that Wall Street billionaire Michael Bloomberg is trying to buy the Presidency: it could remove the issue of age for those concerned about candidates in their 70s. Bloomberg is 79, the same age as Bernie.

Bloomberg’s desperate move is happening following Biden’s persistent stumbles and weaknesses, and after Buttigieg’s 0% level of support from African Americans in a Quinnipiac poll. Zero percent!
As of now, from many different angles, Bernie is looking good, Buttigieg not so much, and Bloomberg is a big question mark. It was interesting, though, to see yesterday that FiveThirtyEight put Bloomberg’s odds at 1 out of 100 for winning the nomination, vs. Pete’s 1 out of 20 and Bernie in the lead overall at 1 out of 2. Go Bernie, go!

However, despite those 100 to 1 odds, my political sense is that it looks like Bernie is going to have to vanquish two billionaires to move into the White House next January, first Wall Street Mike and then Mafioso Don. I will go so far as to predict that sometime in March the Democratic primary race will evolve into a head-to-head match-up between the working class champion and the rep of the billionaire class.

Bloomberg is already starting to get the support of Democratic elected officials who have been in the Biden lane. I’m sure he’ll get more. And I’m starting to see a couple of friends of mine on Facebook indicating openness to the guy, friends who are not supporting Bernie.

Click here for the full article.


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