Tuesday, January 28, 2020

Governor Cuomo Statement on Supreme Court Decision on Public Charge Rule

"The Supreme Court's decision allowing the Trump administration to begin implementing its discriminatory public charge rule is deeply disturbing and will only further embolden the federal government's relentless assault on immigrants throughout the country.

"The Trump administration has mounted a cruel and sustained attack on immigrant communities across the United States, and this rule is a continuation of that callous trend. The public charge rule was clearly crafted to target low-income immigrants of color, punishing them for being poor by denying them entry into our country and forcing those already here to choose between access to important public services and their ability to pursue a green card in the future. We are a nation of immigrants, and it is abhorrent to our values as Americans and as New Yorkers to discourage those who are most in need from seeking refuge and assistance on our shores.

"In New York, we will always stand shoulder-to-shoulder with our immigrant neighbors and community members, offering support and continuing to fight the Trump administration's assaults at every turn. We will ensure that New York remains a beacon of hope and acceptance for all."

Source: The Office of Governor Andrew M. Cuomo 

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