Thursday, December 19, 2019

Nation's Largest Progressive Training Organization Welcomes 2020 Fellows Class

WASHINGTON, D.C. – New Leaders Council (NLC), the nation’s largest organization that recruits, trains, and promotes a rising generation progressive leaders, announced today the selection of 930 Fellows to the 2020 NLC Institute. 

The 2020 NLC Fellows will attend skills-based trainings over six months in one of 50 NLC Chapters across the country. The 2020 NLC Fellows class represents one of our nation’s most diverse generations with 66% of Fellows self-identifying as People of Color. Additionally, 64% of Fellows are female and 22% report identifying as LGBTQIA.

“As the first alumna and former Chapter Director to serve as President and CEO, I am absolutely thrilled to welcome the next incoming class of progressive leaders,” said Clare Bresnahan English, President and CEO, New Leaders Council. “Our program is provided at no cost to the Fellows, opening doors to those often shut out of leadership opportunities. NLC Fellows go on to run for public office, start non-profits, and launch businesses. I cannot wait to see what is in store for the 2020 Fellows.”

The NLC Institute is a six-month training program focused on skills building for each cohort on issues such as goal setting, strategic communications and digital outreach, economics, finance and fundraising, management and coalition building, progressive policy, and diversity and inclusion.

“NLC is the gold standard of progressive training programs throughout the country,” said Courtney Madden, Executive Director, NLC Institute. “Not only does NLC provide each Fellow with a strong curriculum on these important changemaking skills, but also provides a community and national network for support, mentorship and assistance to guide the important work towards a more progressive and prosperous future.”

NLC Fellows go through a rigorous, locally-driven selections process including an application with an essay component and an in-person interview. Roughly 28 percent of those who applied to the NLC Institute were accepted nationally.

NLC Fellows are civic, political, social, and business entrepreneurs who lead the charge on the ground to solve the most critical challenges facing our communities. NLC’s Capstone Project, a cornerstone of the Institute, challenges Fellows to identify a project that captures their passion, fills a need in the community, and leverages the skills NLC provides through the Fellowship in order to come up with a plan to address it head on. This is where NLC’s training effectively comes to life.

Once this class of NLC Fellows completes the NLC Institute in June 2020, they will join NLC’s robust alumni network of nearly 8,000 trained progressive leaders nationwide. 

Source: NLC

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