Monday, December 23, 2019

'Future Hope' Column: A Winning Strategy for Power, Already Underway!

By Ted Glick 

How can we truly turn things around, bring about revolutionary change in our badly wounded, struggling world? For those of us who identify with the up-and-down, historical struggle for a world where its resources and decision-making are shared among all in a just way, and democracy and human rights are for real, it is important that most of us agree in general on the main outlines of a strategy for such a change.

Having a strategy is, in essence, like having a well thought-out plan. If you’re going to get from point A to point B, and it’s not an easy path, you need to figure out how you are going to do so, how you will overcome the many obstacles in your way and make it to your point B objective. Making a revolution in the USA for sure needs a clear, understandable, thoughtful plan grounded in reality, not up-in-the-air wishes or dreams.

Down through history people on the Left have often been at odds over key strategic questions: what about third party vs. work in the Democratic Party; is the working class THE key sector and what is the working class today anyway; the issue of class vs. intersectionality vs. not seeing them as either/or; the kind of organizations(s) needed to give leadership to the struggle for transformational change; and more.

Click here for the full article. 


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