Monday, November 18, 2019

Bloomberg’s Bogus, Belated Mea Culpa

His apology for the stop-and-frisk policy is politically convenient.

Click here for the commentary.

Source: The New York Times 

Rev. Al Sharpton on Bloomberg's Apology for 'Stop and Frisk'

"As one who helped lead countless demonstrations, marches and rallies to amplify the racial impact that was had on the Black and Brown community from stop-and-frisk policing, I am glad to see Mr. Bloomberg now admit that the policy was wrong. He called me after his speech and I communicated to him that it will take more than one speech for people to forgive and forget a policy that so negatively impacted entire communities. However, I’m glad to see his position vocalized at a time when President Trump is calling for stop-and-frisk nationally and I’m glad this position is being taken by someone so identified with the policy. We will have to wait and see whether it was politically motivated but Mr. Bloomberg should be judged by the same standards we judged Joe Biden, the author of the 1994 Crime Bill that led to disproportionate numbers of Black and Brown men going to jail for years, as well as Senator Bernie Sanders, who voted for it.”

Source: Rachel Noerdlinger

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