Monday, April 22, 2019

CEAR Director: If Governor Cuomo Won't Address Probate, Trust and Adult Guardianship Fraud, Federal Intervention May Be the Answer

From The G-Man recently spoke with  Rick Black, Director of the Center for Estate Administration Reform (CEAR), and he expressed extreme disappointment and frustration over the fact that a number of elected officials have failed to address the issue of probate, trust and guardianship fraud in the state of New York. He is equally dismayed that many of them have not responded to repeated requests for comments or meetings.

Black has investigated over 400 suspected fraudulent guardianship cases throughout the country as an intake specialist and has coined the phrase “Isolate the victim, defame legitimate family, and liquidate the estate” to describe the hallmarks of fraudulent guardianship. He has also exposed corruption in probate courts, nationwide, and helped thousands in the process.

In March of 2017, Black spoke at the National Forum on Financial Exploitation by Conservators, which was sponsored by the National Center for State Courts and the Department of Justice. He actively lobbies in Washington, D.C. for improved protections for vulnerable adults and was pivotal in promoting S.178, the "Elder Abuse Protection and Prosecution Act", the nation's first adult guardianship oversight bill. President Trump signed the bill into law on October 18, 2017.

"This is a national crisis that no one in politics or the media is taking seriously, and the scope of this problem is far worse than anyone can imagine. People's lives are being ruined on a daily basis, and that includes New Yorkers. It has to stop," said Black. "If Governor Andrew Cuomo won't address probate, trust and adult guardianship fraud in his state, federal intervention may be the answer."

The following warning, which was addressed to Governor Andrew Cuomo, members of the New York State Senate and Assembly, Mayor Bill de Blasio and the New York City Council, was submitted to and published on From The G-Man in August of 2018.

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