Thursday, April 14, 2011

Vertus Hardiman Reveals Radiation Experiments Were Conducted on Blacks

President Obama, Congress and Members of the Senate....Make This Right, Damn It!

An Open Letter to President Barack Obama, Members of U.S. Congress and the Senate

Mr. President, and esteemed members of Congress and the Senate:

I'm going to be brief, to the point and not pull any punches. My "G-Fans" and supporters would expect nothing less.

Now, I realize you're all bogged down with a number of fiscal and political issues, but I'm demanding that you find some time to click on the link below and watch this moving and extremely powerful three and a half minute video after reading my letter.

I ask that every resident of the United States, as well as people outside of our jurisdiction, do the same. Brace yourselves! For I assure you, you will be shocked after discovering the truth about an inhumane and unspeakable act of hatred that was committed against an American citizen, and others like him, on American soil.

Furthermore, I urge you -- Mr. President, members of Congress and the Senate -- to not turn away in horror or shame. Watch it!

When you're done, have enough compassion and respect to admit what was done to this man was a crime against humanity and issue a public apology to the family of Vertus Hardiman and all those affected by this tragedy. Make....this....right, Mr. President.

In closing, I want to serve notice to every Republican or Democratic that is thinking about running for president in 2012. If you so much as think about politicizing this situation for your own gain, as many of you often do in situations like this, I'm using this news blog to come after you with everything I've got. Know this, and check the "creds"!

You all may have power, but never underestimate the power of the people. Once America sees this video, I suspect they won't tolerate "politics as usual", with regard to the late Mr. Hardiman and his story, and neither will I.

Please, do the right thing, Mr. President. Hopefully, your colleagues on both sides of the aisle will follow suit.

This request is from the heart and.....From The G-Man.

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