Monday, March 2, 2020

What Might a Second Trump Term Look Like? It Will Not be Fun, Folks

By Steven Jonas

"Either this nation shall kill racism, or racism shall kill this nation." (S. Jonas, August, 2018)

As I note in the note at the end of this column, it is based on one that I published last October on the new Since that time A) Trump has been totally unleashed by the Trumpublican© Senate. (This could have of course been averted if three Republicans, say Sens. Alexander, Collins, and Murkowski, just to pick at random, had had the guts [or whatever] to force the introduction of witnesses and documents. Starting with Bolton. Of course, such evidence would have made it clear that Trump had broken the law [even if that breakage was limited to that of the Impoundment Act]. Enough Trumpublicans©, using the Dershowitz Rule , still might have voted to acquit, but the evidence of his guilt would have been a lot more clear than it is now.) B) Being unleashed, he ha snot been shy about demonstrating clearly his adherence to fascist doctrine: there shall be no independent "justice" function in a fascist administration (see the functional definition of fascism six paragraphs below).

Trump, the Trumpublicans©, and the 2020 Elections

In the 2020 elections The Trumpublicans are going to run on what I call "The Six R's and The Two C's": Racism/Xenophobia, Rage, Red-baiting, Religiosity (that is the use of religion for political purposes), Repression (of the vote), Russia (interference, again); and Cheating and Conspiracy theories (to the max).

Depending upon A) who the Democrats nominate for both President and Vice-President, and B) how effective or ineffective his or her campaign is, even with Trump's poll numbers where they are and where they are likely to remain, using these tactics, Trump might indeed win a second term.

As is well-known, over the course of his pre-presidential and presidential career Trump has hit huge speed bumps, bumps that would have derailed any other politician: e.g., both before and after the 2016 election: the "Billy Bush tapes;" the pay-offs to former paramours (which also was adultery); the results of the Mueller Investigation which showed collusion with the Russians in the 2016 elections (although collusion which, with the available evidence, did not rise to the level of a criminal conspiracy provable in court beyond a reasonable doubt, by Mueller's estimation) and numerous episodes of obstruction of justice, pervasive corruption, self-profiteering, and grifting, to name a few. And then there is the Ukraine scandal, which is still a scandal, despite the O'Connell Whitewash/Cover-up.

Trump entrapped himself, in large part by his very own words, by dealing with, or trying to deal with, a foreign power in return for political favors, which is against federal law. Many Trump opponents were saying words to the effect of "we got him." But he had slipped out of the symbolic (civil) cuffs before and this time with McConnell running the show he slipped them again. Given who Trump is, and the "6 R's/2 C's", even with his approval ratings in the low 40s, given the structure of the Legacy-of-Slavery Electoral College, he could slip through again into the White House, as he did in 2016. 

And so, if he does take that oath at 12:01 PM on Jan. 20, 2021, what might be in store for our nation, in some instances right away?

The word "fascism," which I have been associating with Trump for some time now (as have others as well, of course) is appropriate as we conjure a terrifying second Trump term. In Trump's case, since the system will not mirror exactly the 20th century models of Germany, Italy, Spain, Hungary, and Japan, "21st-Century proto-fascism" is likely a more accurate one. But in any case, modern fascism is characterized by the following:

"There is a single, all powerful executive branch of government, in service of a capitalist ruling class that controls for the most part the functions of production, distribution and exchange. There is no separation of powers [one of James Madison's signal contributions to the then-unique form of government established by the Constitution]. Thus, there are no de facto independent judicial or legislative branches, at any level. There is independent media. There is a single national ideology, based on some combination of racism, misogyny, religious bigotry and authoritarianism, homophobia, and xenophobia. There is a state propaganda machine using the big and little lie techniques. There may be a full-blown dictatorship, a charismatic leader, engagement in foreign wars, and the use of the mob/private armies." 

Click here for the full article. 

Source: OpEdNews

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