Wednesday, January 25, 2017

Trump Team Eyes Return to ‘Black Sites’ for Terror Suspects

The Trump administration wants to study whether to get the CIA back in the business of capturing and interrogating terrorists overseas, a program launched after 9/11 that President Obama banned because it involved the use of what most people consider torture.

A draft executive order, posted by the Washington Post and confirmed by NBC News, calls for the government to study whether the CIA can resume detaining suspects at so-called "black sites," a program initiated by George W. Bush that Obama banned when he took office. Black sites are secret overseas detention facilities where suspects are interrogated.

The draft also calls for a review of interrogation techniques laid out in the U.S. Army Field Manual, which prohibits torture and is currently the standard by which American interrogators must operate, the officials said. The review would examine whether tougher techniques could be effective. 

Click here for the full article. 

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