Wednesday, January 25, 2017

North Korea Defector Says Elite Turning Their Backs On Kim Jong Un

North Korean elites have turned their backs on leader Kim Jong Un and dissent is on the rise, according to a recent defector who was formerly Pyongyang's deputy ambassador to the U.K.

"Kim Jong Un's days are numbered," Thae Yong Ho told a press conference in the South Korean capital, Seoul, on Wednesday.

Despite official efforts to tightly restrict the flow of information in the country, "control over the residents has been collapsing due to information seeping in," he added.

"Low-level dissent or criticism of the regime, until recently unthinkable, is becoming more frequent," added Thae, who defected to South Korea along with his wife and children in August 2016. 

Click here for the full article.

Bonus feature:
North Korea Is Ready for New Missile Test: Official

Source: NBC News  

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