Monday, May 7, 2012

TSA Grope and Pillage

Watchdog Organization's "Infographic" Claims Numerous Abuses by Agency at Taxpayers Expense

The Transportation Security Administration (TSA) has faced an enormous amount of criticism and ridicule in the wake of various security breaches and misconduct on the part of numerous employees. 

United States congressional representatives, military officials, and the public have also expressed their displeasure with the agency over questionable security policies and tactics that they believe violate the Fourth Amendment. 

The Online Criminal Justice Degree Project, a watchdog group that "seeks to provide a comprehensive look at the criminal justice system", recently contacted From The G-Man and requested that the following "infographic", which was created by the group, be published as an item of public information and interest. 

The information details the TSA's abuses and fiscal irresponsibility, which the Online Criminal Justice Degree Project describes as "Grope and Pillage". 

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