Sunday, March 29, 2020

Ventilators Distributed by the Federal Government Missing Essential Parts: Source

By Gary Glennell Toms 

On March 29, From The G-Man spoke with a New York hospital administrator who claimed the ventilators being distributed by the federal government are arriving without parts that are essential for them to operate.  

In addition to the phone conversation, a text message from another New York hospital representative, who actually received the ventilators, was shared with From The G-Man to corroborate the administrator's claim. The text stated the following: 

"The vents that are being distributed come with absolutely nothing but the unit! No venting circuits, which are specialized circuits, no high pressure O2 hoses, ect, which renders them useless!" 

"If this is the case with the majority of hospitals that received these ventilators, there's no question that hospitals will be forced to compete for parts, which is only going to make a very bad situation even worse," said the administrator. 

Recognizing that time is of the essence for those who are gravely ill and in need of a ventilator, From The G-Man asked the administrator how long would it be before the hospital(s) received the required part(s). "I have no idea," they responded.  

This is a developing story, so check this site or other news sites for follow up reports or updates on the situation.

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