Tuesday, October 2, 2018

Trump. The Art of the Con: Is There a Method to His Madness?

A variety of words have been used to describe Donald Trump and Trump's White House/Presidency. They are being used with increasing frequency as various "inside the White House" books, like those of Bob Woodward and Michael Wolff, and "pretty close to Trump" books, have come out. Among them are "deranged," "unhinged," "chaotic," "crazy," "bordering on senile," and "mad." Trump is often described as "uncontrolled and uncontrollable." Now it may be true that he is really off-the-wall doing a combination of meandering through and charging through his Presidency without much direction other than "responding to his base." Certainly, from time-to-time I have thought so. But the more I have watched what this man has actually accomplished, the less I think that he is just lurching through it all, and the more I think that he knows exactly what he is doing (at least most of the time). That is, my answer now to the question I raised in the title of this column is "yes." And here's why.

Trump has a particular way of acting, very well known to everyone, that all started in the way he was brought up, particularly by his father (and I am not about to say here anything that any objective observer doesn't already know). He is a bully. He is poorly educated and doesn't care that he is. He is highly opinionated, without too much dependence on fact for his opinions. He is a racist from his youth. He is a faker/liar from the beginning, e.g., indeed he went to the Wharton School (likely with a paid-for entry-form) but there is no evidence (to my knowledge) that he received its graduate degree. And so on and so forth. 

Click here for the full article. 

Source: OpEdNews.com

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