Wednesday, October 17, 2018

Charter Spectrum Update: Statement from Governor Cuomo

"In 2016, the Public Service Commission granted Charter Spectrum a lucrative franchise to operate in this state. That PSC approval was expressly conditioned on certain representations made by Charter Spectrum. Those representations included maintaining the skilled workforce and bringing high speed internet to unserved and underserved communities. The company has not lived up to their representations and the PSC has been engaged in a protracted process to revoke their franchise. 

"I have publicly stated my opposition to and outrage at Charter's conduct on numerous occasions. I applaud Mayor de Blasio for boycotting the network and encourage other officials to do the same. Consumers must be made aware of the abuses of Charter Spectrum, which the network has conspicuously failed to report on any of its broadcasts. Consumer pressure will affect Charter's bottom line, which is obviously their only concern." 

Source: The Office of Governor Andrew M. Cuomo 

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