Wednesday, August 22, 2018

Gov. Cuomo: 'If Trump Were to Pardon Michael Cohen, I Think That Would Be An Impeachable Offense'

Earlier today, Governor Andrew Cuomo delivered the following comments. 

Governor Cuomo: Manafort and Cohen I think are not just embarrassing for the president, and not just inherently condemning of the president. This was his lawyer and his campaign chairman. There's not a lot of distance between those points. But I think the talk of the president about possibly pardoning of Michael Cohen would be one of the grossest injustices we have ever seen. I think would make Nixon—President Nixon—look like a juvenile offender. The concept that Michael Cohen is now implicating the president in a felony—Cohen is saying, I committed a crime, and Cohen is saying, I committed a crime at the direction of the president. That is what he is saying. He is also saying, he will be fully cooperative, Cohen, with any law enforcement agent. His attorney said on TV yesterday, that Mr. Cohen will tell the truth to federal or state investigations because you know, the state has an investigation on the Trump Foundation. And the lawyer went out of his way to say Cohen would be forthcoming on both federal and state investigations. 

Question: What's the update on the State investigation? 

Governor Cuomo: Well the State investigation is being done by Tax and Finance and the Attorney General and the Manhattan District Attorney also has jurisdiction. Last night was the first time I heard, Jimmy, the lawyer specifically say he would be helpful to the New York State investigation on the foundation. So, but, so you have Cohen saying I'll be helpful on the federal investigation. I'll be helpful on the State investigation. If the President were now to come in and pardon Cohen, I think it would be a de facto silencing of a witness against him. And I think that would be an impeachable offense. Because it's not just a pardon, it's not a pardon because of extenuating circumstances. It's a pardon to stop a person from testifying against you. To me that is tantamount to obstruction of justice.

Source: The Office of Governor Andrew M. Cuomo 

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