Friday, July 27, 2018

Sarah Jessica Parker Has a Message for Cynthia Nixon’s Critics

While Sarah Jessica Parker’s relationship with Kim Cattrall appears to be irreparably strained, hers with Cynthia Nixon is, at least on the surface, healthy. On Thursday’s episode of Gwyneth Paltrow’s Goop podcast, Parker delivered a strong message to those who are critical of her former Sex and the City co-star’s run for governor of New York: Learn a little bit about her platform before you totally write her off.

Nearly four months ago, Parker officially endorsed Nixon’s campaign to unseat governor Andrew Cuomo, and her support has clearly not wavered. And while Parker knows that Nixon is “brilliant,” “formidable,” and “willing to learn,” she wants others to give her a chance, too.

“You don’t have to agree with her policy, you don’t have to vote for her, but certainly take the time before you criticize the fact that she’s boldly pursuing this,” Parker said.

Click here for the full article.

Source: New York Magazine (via Empire Report New York) 

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