Monday, July 16, 2018

Junior's Law: New York to Introduce Legislation Requiring Small Businesses to Be Safe Havens for Minors

Following the shocking murder of Bronx teenager Lesandro ‘Junior’ Guzman-Feliz outside a bodega, politicians have introduced legislation that will require small businesses to protect young children in their community.

Junior, 15, was dragged out of a convenience store and slashed with a machete by a gang around 11:40pm on 20 June. CCTV footage shows the attack and moment he was left for dead.

The tragic death that triggered the #JusticeJunior campaign has inspired New York State Senator Luis SepĂșlveda and Assemblyman Victor Pichardo to propose Safe Havens for Endangered Children legislations, also called 'Junior's Law'.

Speaking alongside some of Junior’s family members outside at a press conference at the bodega where he sought help, Mr Sepulveda said more needed to be done to protect children in danger.

"We want to make sure that any business owner or their employees who encounter a situation involving a minor who has been abused or may be in danger has a duty to try to help,” he said. "Community businesses should be safe havens for our youth. They should promptly notify police.” 

Click here for the full article. 

Source: The Independent

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