Monday, April 16, 2018

Department of Labor to Issue Notice to Hospitals After Claims of Threatening and Coercive Behavior at Albany Med

On April 15, Governor Andrew Cuomo directed the New York State Department of Labor to issue a notice to hospitals to support safe staffing and continued organizing, following allegations of threatening and coercive behavior at Albany Medical Center ahead of a vote by registered nurses there to join the New York State Nurses Association. The notice reminds hospitals that there are laws, both state and federal, and regulations governing union organizing efforts and that hospitals that illegally try to prevent or dissuade personnel from unionizing will be held accountable.

"New York is a union state, and we have zero tolerance for any attempts to illegally interfere in the fundamental right to join a union," Governor Cuomo said. "At a time when organized labor is under attack, New York is stepping up for our union brothers and sisters and those seeking to organize—especially the nurses who serve our sick and elderly at hospitals across the state. Healthcare is a critical priority, and this administration will do everything we can to protect Medicaid State funding and quality patient care. I am proud to stand with the men and women in our hospitals and support safe staffing levels that ensure the highest quality of care." 

Click here for the full announcement. 

Source: The Office of Governor Andrew M. Cuomo

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