Tuesday, March 20, 2018

Cuomo Orders a Review of Vance’s Handling of Weinstein Investigation

 Harvey Weinstein

By Vivian Wang and James C. McKinley Jr. 

Gov. Andrew M. Cuomo directed the state attorney general on Monday to review how the Manhattan district attorney, Cyrus R. Vance Jr., handled a 2015 sexual assault allegation against the movie mogul Harvey Weinstein.

Mr. Vance decided not to prosecute Mr. Weinstein even though his accuser, an Italian model, had provided police officers with a recording of Mr. Weinstein apologizing when she asked him why he 
had groped her breasts the day before.

Mr. Vance said at the time that there was insufficient evidence, a defense he repeated last year after an outpouring of accusations against Mr. Weinstein reopened scrutiny of the decision, and also cast light on Mr. Vance’s acceptance of campaign donations from Mr. Weinstein’s lawyers.

Click here for the full article. 

Source: The New York Times (via Empire Report New York)

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