Thursday, February 15, 2018

Puerto Rico Suspends $133 Million Contract Awarded to Firm of Trump’s Failed FEMA Nominee

WASHINGTON — Puerto Rico has suspended a $133 million contract for hurricane relief given to the firm of President Donald Trump’s former pick for a top FEMA position after an independent review board determined it was improperly awarded.

A review board overseeing the U.S. territory's housing contracts said Tuesday that the winning firm, Adjusters International, should have been disqualified for failing to comply with the requirements for the FEMA-funded contract overseeing repairs for up to 75,000 homes damaged by Hurricane Maria.

Daniel Craig, Adjusters' senior vice president, helped his firm with its bid for the contract, which was awarded by Puerto Rico's housing department in December. In September, Craig withdrew his nomination to become second-in-command at FEMA after NBC News reported he had been under federal investigation for ethics issues involving lucrative FEMA contracts awarded in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina. 

Click here for the full article.

Source: NBC News 

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