Wednesday, December 20, 2017

New York Labor Union Members Follow Mayor de Blasio to Iowa to Knock Him as a Phony Progressive

By Jillian Jorgensen

DES MOINES — Mayor de Blasio hopes to get a warm reception from progressives in Iowa, but his trip was first met by New York City labor union representatives who traveled to the Midwest to roll out the unwelcome wagon for him.

Members of the Patrolmen’s Benevolent Association made the 1,000-mile trek to stalk the lobby at de Blasio’s Marriott hotel. They came outfitted with posters and fliers blasting the mayor over their salary negotiations and insisting he is neither friend to labor nor a progressive. To drive home the point, a giant mobile billboard sat parked outside with the same messages.

The Transport Workers Union, allied with de Blasio nemesis Gov. Cuomo, took out a full-page ad, which costs at least $8,650, according to an ad rep, in The Des Moines Register saying: “He claims he’s a true-blue Progressive. But take a closer look. He’s a fake, this Phony Bill is no Bernie Sanders!”

Click here for the full article. 

Source: The New York Daily News (via The Empire Report) 

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