Tuesday, September 19, 2017

Witness Describes Major Mexico Earthquake

A major earthquake caused severe damage in central Mexico. Simone Sztrigler witnessed the shaking in Mexico City and CBSN to discuss what happened. 

Source: CBS News

Statement from Governor Andrew Cuomo

"My heart breaks for the people of Mexico following today's tragic earthquake, and I send my deepest condolences to all who are affected by this tragedy as they begin the long process of rebuilding and recovering.

"While the full extent of the damage is still to be determined, we are closely monitoring the situation and prepared to offer whatever assistance the people of Mexico need as they recover from this disaster in the weeks and months ahead.

"With hundreds of thousands of Mexican-Americans calling our state home, New York shares a special bond with Mexico, and we stand shoulder to shoulder with the Mexican community in their time of need." 

Source: Press Office, Governor Andrew M. Cuomo

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