Wednesday, September 13, 2017

Sputtering Subways Threaten Cuomo's Infrastructure Image


By Dana Rubinstein and Jimmy Vielkind

Dressed in pale dress trousers and work boots, Gov. Andrew Cuomo grasped an industrial vacuum known as a Vac-Tron and sucked up a pile of litter from the subway tracks in Union Square last week.

The event was ostensibly about cleaning up garbage and reducing track fires, but it was also about tidying up the governor’s carefully crafted image as the kind of executive who can make the trains run on time.

In New York City, where the subways have suffered a meltdown over the past six months, Cuomo’s name has instead become synonymous with the system’s neglect. In polls, riders have blamed him for the deteriorating service, and a Twitter hashtag #CuomosMTA has catalogued the system’s problems throughout the summer. “Tired of New York’s subways? Blame Andrew Cuomo” read one New York Times op-ed.

Click here for the full article. 

Source: Politico (via The Empire Report)

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