Thursday, September 7, 2017

Court of Appeals Upholds Ban on Physician-Assisted Suicide

The state’s highest court has dismissed a case filed by three terminally ill patients who sought a court order protecting their doctors if they prescribed a lethal dose of medication to help them die. 

The plaintiffs asked the court to declare a constitutional right to “aid in dying,” or as critics call it, assisted suicide. The three patients in the original lawsuit filed in February 2015 — two have since died — were mentally competent and terminally ill, and sought the right to end their lives without undue suffering.

Thursday’s 81-page decision from the Court of Appeals found that the state Legislature “has a rational basis for criminalizing assisted suicide.” The Legislature has been reluctant to pass legislation to legalize aid in dying in recent years.

Click here for the full article.

Source: (via The Empire Report) 

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