Tuesday, June 27, 2017

SUNY SA and CUNY USS Denounce Tuition Increase

"Our Boards have both voted to raise tuition to the maximum allowable threshold against the wishes of students and families. Raising tuition ought to be a last resort - a last dollar in investment on the part of those who have carried the financial burden of public higher education for far too long. We strongly urge the Governor to sign the Maintenance of effort provision that was passed by both the Assembly and Senate. Students are not bottomless ATM's that can be exploited for more cash when the state runs low. Student have and continue to pay more than their fair share. CUNY and SUNY are systems that were founded with the mission of providing a quality and accessible education for everyone. That includes people living in poverty, immigrants, working class people, the young, and the old. It is time for the state to fulfill its obligation. We have voted 'no' on tuition increases, and will continue to speak out on behalf of our nearly 1.2 million students."

The Student Assembly of the State University of New York (SUNY SA) is the recognized student government organization representing the nearly 600,000 students of the State University of New York. Comprised of student leaders elected by their peers from across SUNY’s 64 campuses, SUNY SA is committed to empowering students throughout the state, and ensuring the representation of its members on the state and national level, as well as throughout the SUNY system.

The University Student Senate (USS) of the City University of New York (CUNY) is the official representative governance organization of the 500,000 students at CUNY. Founded in 1972, USS is responsible for preserving the accessibility, affordability, and excellence of higher education within the City of New York. Website

Source: SUNY SA

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