Tuesday, May 30, 2017

New York/LI Doctor is First to Offer Procedure to Restore Eyesight

Garden City, NY - Dr. James Kelly has become the first surgeon in New York State to use the Raindrop® Near Vision Inlay.

The procedure, which was recently approved by the FDA, involves placing a tiny implant - known as a 'Raindrop' inlay - underneath the cornea to reverse vision problems associated with presbyopia. Many over the age of 40 are affected by this condition caused by loss of elasticity of the lens in the eye.

Dr. Kelly says, "It's made a huge difference in the lives of my patients." The procedure, which is performed in his office, "takes about ten minutes and ends the frustration of having to wear reading glasses."

The Raindrop® Near Vision corneal inlay is placed within the cornea under a LASIK-style flap. When in position, the inlay changes the curvature of the cornea so the front of the eye acts much like a multifocal contact lens. 

As LASIK corrects distance vision, Raindrop can correct presbyopia or near vision loss.  It has the potential to be as promising and reliable as LASIK has been for the past 25 years.  

Along with the Raindrop procedure, Dr. Kelly was the first in New York City to perform surgery using the LenSx® laser to improve precision for cataract patients.

Source: Steve Harper/Creative Juice

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