Tuesday, April 11, 2017

Blacklisted: Syracuse University Professor Targeted After Speaking Out on Politics

SYRACUSE, N.Y. -- Syracuse University professor Dana Cloud was outraged by the invasion of Iraq and Afghanistan after 9/11.

So she did what many activists do: Cloud, a University of Texas professor at the time, wrote opinion pieces for local websites. She appeared on a conservative talk radio show. She gave talks condemning the war.

And then, she found herself the target of various "blacklists." Her name popped up on websites chronicling mostly liberal professors, their phone numbers and their alleged violations of academic freedom and political balance.

Often the sites were compiled by conservative groups that disagreed with her point of view.

In 2006, she landed in a book of 101 professors called the "most dangerous" in America by prominent conservative David Horowitz.

The hate mail flooded in. Cloud received phone calls, letters and hundreds of emails attacking her as an "elitist intellectual," a "feminist-lesbian" and a "Leftist national traitor."

Click here for the full article.

Source: Syracuse.com (via The Empire Report) 

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