Monday, March 6, 2017

Assembly Member Michael Blake Responds to Revised Executive Order

The Bronx, NY - Today, in response to the President’s Executive Action placing a 120 day moratorium on the admittance of refugees and halting the entrance of visitors from six muslim countries as of March 16, 2017, New York State Assembly Member and DNC Vice Chair Michael Blake released the following statement:

“Once again, President Trump and his administration are doubling down on racist, xenophobic and discriminatory attitude towards Muslims and allies, showing his willful disdain for people who simply wish to pursue the American dream. By placing a cap on muslim refugees, With this newest Muslim ban, he has empowered crisis in other regions of the world and endangered the lives of those fleeing terror in those countries. The President signed the executive order without any press and cowardly his Cabinet members not answering questions.

Having had his first order overturned in court, President Trump is nevertheless insistent upon denigrating the legacy of immigration in this country, signaling that the U.S. no longer welcomes those who wish to pursue the American dream. A ban is still a ban.

I urge all Americans to denounce this ban and demand its repeal. We as Americans must unequivocally stand for the rights of all people. As a nation, we take pride in our diversity and our constitutional right to religious freedom. I hope that Attorneys General and organizations that stand up for legal and immigrant rights strongly condemn this order and do everything possible for its rejection. As the son of immigrants, I ran for office to stand up for those who may not have a voice and are afraid to stand up in the face of injustice and oppression. As an Assembly Member from the diverse county in America and a D.N.C. Vice Chair, I will continue to fight for those most at risk. If we do not learn from our history, we are bound to repeat it, the effects of which would be utterly devastating." 

Source: The Office of Assemblyman Michael Blake

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