Tuesday, February 21, 2017

Chuck Schumer, Cowardly Lion

By Alan Singer 

I signed an online petition to Senate Minority Leader Schumer (Democrat- NY) calling on him to oppose the nomination of Betsy “Amway” DeVos as Secretary of Education. A little after her Senate approval, Senator Schumer emailed me a response. Chuck is a “cowardly lion.” He needs to be replaced if the Democratic Party is ever going to rally the American people to stand up to Trump and preserve democracy.

The Cowardly Lion is a character in the Wizard of Oz by Frank Baum. In the 1890s when he wrote the book, Baum was a populist and socialist opposed to the power of Wall Street and industrial robber barons. In the book, the Cowardly Lion represents William Jennings Bryan, the Democratic Party nominee for President in 1896, 1900, and 1908, a candidate with out the courage of his convictions who was destined to repeatedly lose. Chuck Schumer is a 21st century Bryan, maybe even worse, and he has got to go.

In the email, Chuck wrote “Mrs. DeVos’s qualifications and beliefs regarding American public education seriously put into question her ability to lead the Department of Education.” But as you read down you realize, Senator Chuck does not actually oppose much of what she champions, which makes it difficult to stop her and her Republican colleagues from destroying public education in the United States. 

Click here for the full article.

Source: The Huffington Post (via The Empire Report)

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