Monday, January 23, 2017

The Margins and Myth of Trump’s ‘America First’ Promise

An NBC NewsBlack Op-Ed

By emphasizing patriotism above all in his Inaugural address, Donald Trump harkened back to an outdated, racialized and classist order of America.

One in which it's really not "America first," but rather an America where wealthy white men and their accomplices get to enjoy the spoils—from Wall Street to the White House.

With an emphasis on "unity" and "patriotism" the address took a tone that was a bit removed from the incendiary, if not divisive rhetoric of his campaign. The problem, however, lies in the fact that this message is still not nearly as inclusive as his predecessor, now-former President Barack Obama, nor is it as welcoming as that of his rival, former secretary of state Hillary Clinton. 

In fact, it's still as exclusionary as it was before, but with more polite and vetted language that may seem non-threatening on the surface. Even so, know the code.

The President pledged to uphold and defend the Constitution -- despite his continued disdain for the First Amendment rights of journalists, amidst constant controversy surrounding his discriminatory behavior and questionable business practices that target marginalized groups—including women, African-Americans, Hispanics, Muslims, and other people who struggle to defend their civil rights. 

Click here for the full article.

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